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July 28, 2021

Top tips to improve your environmental footprint in your new student home

Studentpad- Save Energy

When you move into your new student accommodation, unless your bills are included in the rent, you will start to get your first new energy bills. All of the energy you use is now in your hands! You have control over how much you use and the impact your electricity and heating has on the environment.

Take some time to look at your bills and the amount of energy you are using. As a student tenant you are able to switch provider and it’s recommended that you look around to find not only the most affordable, but the best for the planet. The Students’ Union at UWE have put together this great guide to switching energy bills.

You can reduce your energy footprint in your student house, apartment or studio, by using “greener” or renewable energy sources, providers often offer a discount on these! Green energy comes from wind, hydropower, solar power, wave power and even geothermal and using these sources means moving away from fossil-based energy production such as coal, oil and gas. Fossil-based energy production damages the planet and contributes to global climate change, reduces biodiversity and badly impacting air quality.

Studentpad - Save Energy

By using renewable energy sources, you are reducing the greenhouse gases created when the energy you need to live is produced. You have the power to make the best decision for you and your new student accommodation, to create the best outcome for the environment.

Ensuring access to affordable renewable energy is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development goals. The UK by 2050, in line with the EU, has a target to get to net zero emissions, and renewable energy is going to play a big part in that – you can contribute to reaching those goals via your energy bill in your student accommodation! The Green Industrial Revolution has started!

You can check out how sustainable your current supplier is at Switch It.

Ethical Consumer has a guide to energy suppliers to help you when you are looking at switching to a more sustainable supplier and UWE SU has a great guide for how to switch energy suppliers.

Energy efficiency means not wasting energy - The energy saving trust website has a guide on setting your heating controls so you are comfortable without wasting energy. Look at your electronics use, leaving them on standby wastes energy and costs you money, follow these quick tips to make savings and reduce your environmental impact from electricity use.  


Maybe one day you can build your own wind turbine and save the planet, but for now look into small changes to improve your environmental footprint in your new student accommodation;

·        Switch to a sustainable supplier

·        Switch to a renewable energy tariff

·        Look at how to avoid wasting energy by making the most of the heating controls and lighting and electronics use

Still looking for your new student home? Go to our find your nearest Studentpad site, city or university site and get hunting for your new sustainable, affordable student accommodation.

Thinking about how to get around at uni? View our tips for travel at university, walking and biking are a great ways to get around. Plan ahead to save stress later, when you find a property you like on Studentpad use our tools to check travel distances.

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